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Oct 31, 20233 min read
Lead to Succeed: The 8 No-Go Zones for Every Visionary Leader
Dear leader, your mission is to pilot your team to success, but beware! The path to greatness is fraught with hidden traps, and today...

Jul 19, 20222 min read
Free Trials - How Software Providers can get the best from customers
I am sure all of us at one time or the other have signed up to use some software or an app, many of which offer free trials, but...

Jul 18, 20224 min read
Nightmare Bosses (Difficult Leaders) and How to Survive the Reign of Terror! - Part 1
During our careers we would have had to report to different managers at different points in time.

Jul 4, 20227 min read
The Queen Bee Syndrome - Fact or Fiction?
Over the course of my career, I have heard some women say that they can't work directly with other women. I have also heard men say that...
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